We take custom orders for membrane switches.
Our membrane switches are used in a wide range of applications. For example, our membrane switches are used in operation panels of industrial luggage lifts, video equipment used in movie theaters, medical washing machines, coin-operated parking machines, digital pressure gauges, optical measuring instruments, and NC cutting machines. We provide membrane switches that can withstand various environments, mainly in the fields of industrial, medical, and machine tools.
Case Studies
Operation panels of industrial luggage lifts
We manufactured this product at the request of an industrial luggage lift manufacturer. They requested a switch with a large LED glowing on the surface instead of a dot when the switch is pressed, and we developed a membrane switch that illuminates beautifully. This was developed about 10 years ago, but we still receive orders for about 1,000 units per year.
Operation panel for video equipment used in movie theaters
We have produced a membrane switch with illuminated key letters so that it can be used in dark places. There was a request for two colors of illumination, and we have achieved this by using LEDs of different colors. To date, we have shipped about 5,000 units.
Operation panel of a coin-operated parking machine
This product was manufactured at the request of a manufacturer of parking lot related equipment. The membrane switch is completely waterproof, and there have been no reports of malfunctions due to weathering. We have shipped more than 10,000 units to date, including all types with different designs.
Operation panel for digital pressure gauge
We manufactured this product at the request of a manufacturer of pressure gauges. This is also a fully waterproof membrane switch, and there are no reports of problems. It is a very small membrane switch with an embossed diameter of Φ6, with a good click feeling. It was developed about 12 years ago, but we still receive orders for it regularly.
Operation panel for light measuring instrument
We manufactured this product at the request of a manufacturer of a light measuring instrument of variable wavelength. It is a rubber type membrane switch, and incorporates elements such as two contact outputs with one key, and two-color LED. It has a light click feeling unique to rubber and is compatible with universal design. Although the annual shipment volume is small, we have received orders for this product continuously for more than 15 years.
Membrane switch (Sheet switch)
Standard membrane switch types
Flat type

Suitable for cost reduction for its’ simple structure.
Click emboss type

The dome-shaped surface provides a clicking sensation when the switch is pressed down.
Poly-dome type

The surface is flat, but there is a clicking sensation when the switch is pressed down.
Metal dome type

There is a clicking sensation when the switch is pressed (more solid than the click-embossed or poly-dome types).
Rubber key type

Rubber keys are used in the switch section.
Application switch type
LED implemented type

Chip parts are mounted on film sheets.
Water proof type

Good at water proof
Text illumination type

Text area of the surface sheet can be illuminated by LED
Seven-segment type

LEDs can be mounted on film sheets to make products thinner
Oil proof membrane

Good at oil proof
Surface sheet types
Surface sheet embossing

Size can be set freely.
Surface sheet embossing

The surface is grained to prevent fingerprints from sticking.
Surface sheet UV processing

Suitable for small-lot production as no printing plate is required.
Inkjet printing

Suitable for small-lot production as no printing plate is required.